Cosmos, critters, culture, cinema, crying, and more fascinating topics explored in ‘Stuff To Blow Your Mind’
Learn new facts and concepts with iHeartPodcasts’ “Stuff To Blow Your Mind,” an intriguing educational series hosted by Robert Lamb and Joe McCormick. Tune in for episodes on topics like cosmic mysteries, evolutionary wonders, transhuman technology, neurological questions, and more. There are episodes to possibly interest even the most selective podcast listeners with enticing episodes on science, culture, films, ancient artifacts, legends, music, and memory – just to name a handful of subjects.
Since 2010, “Stuff to Blow Your Mind” has released over 1,700 episodes running under 90 minutes on average. If you only have a bit of listening time to spare, check out the short-form episodes under 10 minutes called “The Monstrefact” and “The Artifact.” Recent releases explained critters and characters like Baba Yaga, The Gruenak of Thra from The Dark Crystal, the Manticore, El Coco, and the shapeshifting Pokémon, Ditto. Investigated artifacts include magical tongue-shaped rocks, The Blood Gutter, horse skulls hidden under floors, psychedelic blindfolding, and more.
On a recent episode of Podsauce, Dax told Alesha about “Stuff to Blow Your Mind.” He listened to “Giants in the Earth: The Paleoburrows,” sharing research that suggests claws dug caves and structures in South America. Dax learned about Megatherium, or elephant-sized prehistoric sloths. Dax also listened to an episode on crying and tears, explained in a 3-part episode arc.
There are multi-part episodes on tumbleweeds, chainsaws, the science of LSD, the Minotaur, the Black Death, fingernails, the psychology of waiting in line, and more. In a multi-part episode about hairy fish, hear about furry fish, species with whiskers, ones with spines, and which ones have beards.
There are episodes dedicated to listeners’ mail and answering questions. Joe and Robert will re-feature favorite topics in their “From the Vault” collection covering Medusa, “The Secret Intellect of Animals,” ketchup, fireworks, foraging wild mushrooms, sinkholes, “Like a Circle in a Spiral,” Venus, volcanoes, and Lichen organisms.
You might find your latest obsession after listening to episodes on seemingly random stuff like prehistoric mineral formations or Malaysian Spirit Boats, a nautical kind of exorcism. There are a bunch of episodes on crab science with past explanations on boxer crabs, horseshoe crabs, samurai crabs, Christmas Island crabs, and various mythologies from history.
The “Weirdhouse Cinema” episodes unpack films like Metalstorm, Venom, and Highway to Hell. Robert and Joe recently explored 1985’s comedy horror film, Mr. Vampire, where the characters combatted vampires with rice, Taoist sorcery, furniture, and kicks.
Tune in to hear Joe and Robert joined by guests like Kat Arney to discuss cancer and evolution or time travel with particle physicist Daniel Whiteson.
For a mind-boggling assortment of episode topics, check out new weekly updates from “Stuff To Blow Your Mind.”