Welcome to the ‘Hahn-aissance’: Kathryn Hahn on ‘It’s Been a Minute with Sam Sanders’

“It’s Been a Minute with Sam Sanders” re-released their episode with Emmy-nominated actor and comedian Kathryn Hahn. Hahn is not new to the entertainment scene, but her critically-acclaimed performance in the one of the biggest hits of the year, Wandavision, shot her to new heights. Known for her comedic prowess, her characterization of Agatha Harkness let her flex allll of her acting chops. Welcome to the Hahn-aissance, baby – population: the entire multi-verse.
In this interview with Sanders, she does something similar, focusing on her newer roles outside of solely comedy. This interview revolved around her 2019 film Private Life: an animated comedy-drama about a couple attempting to have a child. The film encompasses different types of child-bearing: in vitro-fertilization, egg donorship, artificial insemination, adoption. It received rave reviews from critics, with many commenting on how the topic of infertility is shockingly nowhere near as prevalent in film as it is in reality.
Hahn opens up about her own feelings on birth and fertility. From women thinking that they alone are in charge of when they will have a child, when in all truthfulness, it’s your body who is in charge. She also chats about YouTube videos of couples doing IVF. They shift into the #MeToo movement and the Hollywood revelations of monsters like Harvey Weinstein.
Hahn herself is an activist and talks about how she balances politics in her work
She reiterates that her work has been her escape and how she chooses to leave her politics at the door. Through this conversation, they divert into proper birthing form and techniques, ideas that are just barely crowning, and more.
They chat more about her other roles (pre-Wandavision, of course) in I Love Dick and Transparent, and Sanders makes an interesting observation on similarities between her characters. They go back and forth between her emotional depth in her more recent roles, and now, two years in the future, we can confidently say that she is moving beyond the “comedic relief best friend” that she was so typecast as before. All of these roles led her to her acclaimed performances in Mrs. Fletcher and Wandavision, and thank goodness for that. All we can say is: we can’t wait to see her in The Shrink Next Door.