NPR’s Pulitzer Prize-winning ‘No Compromise’ investigates the gun debate, the Dorr brothers, and an activist network

NPR’s “No Compromise” examines the gun debate, pro-gun activists, and digs into a social media empire with a view on gun rights that earned millions of followers, likes, and dollars. On this series, reporters Lisa Hagen of WAB and Chris Haxel of KCUR investigate how three Dorr brothers “from the most uncompromising corner of the gun debate are turning hot-button issues into donations and controversy.”
This series won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Audio Reporting, and all 6 episodes (plus one bonus behind-the-scenes episode) are now streaming. Start “No Compromise” from episode 1, and all parts are under 50 minutes.
Episode 1 explained background info, as one of the groups behind 2020’s anti-quarantine protests also participated in the “No Compromise” gun rights movement. Members of this group view the NRA as “too amenable to gun control measures,” and this group sought after Republicans to help spread their agenda.
In episode 2, listeners learn that the Dorr Brothers used Facebook Live to grow their following and also convinced some NRA members to join their side. The brothers’ group made fans feel seen and heard in ways the NRA could not.
According to Aaron Dorr, he believes he is fighting for his followers’ Second Amendment rights. Meanwhile, pro-gun Republican lawmakers are not his biggest fans. Episode 3 looks at the group’s advocacy and sees if it actually worked.
In episode 4, Lisa and Chris uncover the Dorr family’s roots and we learn that their name was associated with a religious movement that wanted to toss public education, criminalize homosexuality, and replace laws with Old Testament rules.
Episode 5 traces No Compromise’s history to a Colorado white nationalist meeting in the 1900s. In episode 6, there’s a battle for the GOP in Idaho and we learn more about “confrontational politics.”
We recommend this series for listeners of “Will Be Wild” and “American Radical.”
All episodes of “No Compromise” are now streaming wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.