Phoebe Bridgers, Nick Offerman, Nicole Byer, and more join ‘My Favorite Murder’ to share their hometown murder stories

Technically, we shouldn’t be surprised that freaking Phoebe Bridgers and Nicole Byer are fans of “My Favorite Murder,” but we are loving Karen Kilgariff’s and Georgia Hardstark’s new Celebrity Hometown episodes.
Maybe you’ve listened to all 600 episodes of “My Favorite Murder,” and this is information you’ve already known, but maybe you’ve been unable to listen because of the holiday season/the general state of the world, and have not known about these new fantastic episodes!
Now you can listen to two whole ghost stories from Nicole Byer! What makes her second, original story even creepier is that the exact same thing happened to Karen. How terribly spooky! No sleep tonight!
From Nick Offerman, he sadly lived in much to small a town for murder to happen (Minooka, Illinois), so instead, he shares his best friend’s story from Los Angeles. He tells the story of the murder of 81-year-old Cathy Davis, who lived across the street from his friend in LA. Johnny Lewis, who had acted on Sons of Anarchy and The O.C. (and even dated Katy Perry) was boarding her house when he beat her to death while Offerman’s friend’s son was home alone. Lewis then ran across the rooftops of the houses in the neighborhood after the police were called, only to fall three stories to his death when he missed a jump. So, that’s also pretty scary.
Margaret Cho tells the story of a boy who found a human hand buried in the ground on the banks of a Lake Merced near her high school in 1976. For over four decades, the woman to whom the hand belonged remained a Jane Doe. In 2017, a man filed a missing persons report for his sister whom he had not seen in years, and the Jane Doe ended up being his sister, Judy Gifford. Cho sings the praises of true crime podcasts that are actually helping solve these cold cases that never made the front page news.
Wanda Sykes tells us about her interaction with a ghost while trying to solve a murder, and Patton Oswalt lets us know that his family’s parish priest was the one who performed the exorcism that The Exorcist is based on.
Now, we’re all keeping an eye out for our favorite celebrities to make an appearance on “My Favorite Murder.” We’re delighted to see Karen and Georgia continue to thrive out here in this true crime comedy podcast market, and we hope you’re enjoying these new episodes as much as we are.