For both the faithful and the simply curious, we’ve rounded up 6 podcasts and episodes all about Jewish holidays, traditions, and food
This year, Hanukkah is celebrated from December 18 to December 26. We’ve selected some podcasts and episodes all about Judaism, customs, food, and Hanukkah’s appearances in pop culture.
Learn about the history of Jewish holidays, why Hanukkah is distinctly not “Jewish Christmas,” and get hyped about the traditions and food associated with so many holidays on these podcasts.

Pop Culture Happy Hour
This “Pop Culture Happy Hour” episode from NPR celebrates Hanukkah, shares how it “is not Jewish Christmas,” and examines where the holiday has appeared in pop culture.

Judaism Unbound
“Judaism Unbound” is a podcast from the Institute for the Next Jewish Future where hosts Dan Libenson and Lex Rofeberg are asking what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century. Speaking with people from across all professions and expertises, they’re talking about new innovations in kosher food and restaurants, famous Jewish figures like the late Leonard Cohen, and so much more on weekly episodes.

Mark Oppenheimer, Stephanie Butnick, and Liel Leibovitz of Tablet Magazine present “Unorthodox,” the world’s leading Jewish podcast. Every week, “Unorthodox” sits down with Jewish authors, musicians, businesspeople, journalists, leaders, and more to talk about everything under the sun. This series is presented by Tablet Studios.

“Chutzpod!” is answering questions about Judaism for Jewish and non-Jewish people alike. Hosts Rabbi Shira Stutman and Joshua Malina invite guests to discuss topics like Hanukkah’s story and “how did gefilte fish become a thing?”

Jewish History Soundbites
Hear a little bit of history on every episode of “Jewish History Soundbites.” Host Yehuda Gebere is a tour guide, lecturer, and Yad Vashem Researcher of Jewish history who is taking us on a pre-war guide of Judaism in Eastern Europe. Listen to any of his 350+ episodes, each one typically just 30 minutes a piece.

The Kibitz Podcast
On “The Kibitz Podcast,” journalist Dan Crane and comedian Jessica Chaffin give us an insightful guide to Jewish culture. This first episode from 2015 is titled “Light” and analyzes what Hanukkah means in the 21st century.