Was the Unabomber a genius who went astray or something else entirely? ‘Project Unabom’ explores serial bomber Ted Kaczynski’s story

Society still has questions about Unabomber Ted Kaczynski – a math prodigy and Harvard scholar who left society, built a cabin in the woods, and went on a 17-year bombing spree. Ted targeted universities and scientists with untraceable letter-bombs and also left them in computer store parking lots. Over the years, he killed three people and injured dozens, including an advertising executive and a logging industry lobbyist.
Ted eventually stated his motives in a 35,000-word manifesto, saying he’d continue terrorizing the nation unless newspapers agreed to publish it. Media acquiesced leading millions to read his list of complaints, warnings, and visions of a dystopian future. In 1996, Ted Kaczynski was arrested, broadcasting his disheveled appearance and stereotypical madman look across the country. How did this man turn into a serial bomber and murderer?
“Project Unabom” explores the serial bomber’s life with new reporting from host Eric Benson. Listeners will hear info from Ted’s personal writings, FBI files, the FBI agents’ perspectives, and interviews with Ted’s brother, David Kaczynski, who turned him in.
This series will investigate why it took almost 20 years to catch Ted, taking a deep-dive into untold stories from finding the killer to Ted’s family coming to terms with what happened in his Montana cabin and a peek into a struggling madman’s psyche at odds with the modern world.
David will share how he knew his brother was different from an early age in episode 2. Episode 3 looks at timing crossovers with Satanic Panic, a variety of coincidences, and more.
Start this 8-part podcast from the beginning with all episodes under 45 minutes on average. Tune in Mondays for new episodes over the next few weeks. We recommend this series for fans of investigative shows like Eric’s other podcasts, “Suspect” and “Witnessed: Borderlands.”
“Project Unabom” is presented by AppleTV+ and produced by Audacy’s Pineapple Street Studios. Stream the series wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.