‘Rate Your Pain! ER Nursing Stories’ is filled with the grossest, weirdest, and craziest stories that can only come from the ER

For those of you who don’t have a sibling that is an ER nurse, you don’t know what you’re missing. But fret no longer! You can now hear the completely gross stories that ER nurses always have in their back pockets for dinner table conversations with “Rate Your Pain! ER Nursing Stories.”
Our hosts Donelle and Sarah are two ER nurses who live and work in Oklahoma and have over 30 years of ER experience between them. Episodes are approximately 50 minutes long apiece, and considering this is quite a new podcast, they’ve only released 12 episodes thus far. Donelle and Sarah call these stories they’ve stocked up on their “worst and most interesting,” so we know we’re truly in for a ride.
Since this is Dax’s new favorite podcast, maybe we’ll start off the episode that got him hooked. Our two hosts are constantly asked what their grossest, dirtiest, craziest stories are from the emergency room, and what better topic than foreign objects? Specifically, in the rear entrance. Donelle and Sarah actually find these to be some of their least interesting stories, due to the high volume of emergency room visits including people experimenting on the…tenacity of their butts.
But, there is no shame here! Nurses have seen literally everything and, hey, people are going to like with they like. They also tell us that most of these up-the-butt stories are all very similar, so they tell us some of the classics (apparently, involving candles) and the novelties.
We love the way these ladies tell these stories. Filled with appropriately dramatic pauses and completely unexpected twists, their tales will having you gasping aloud. And, Dax was right (again), their episode titled “Ep2: Use the Rear Entrance” is incredible. It involves Yankee candles (like, the nice ones you give your mom for Christmas), still-vibrating vibrators, and glass Coke bottles.
We learned a lot about sphincters (apparently humans have two, so, be aware that the internal one isn’t controlled voluntarily), all of the body parts that can be prolapsed, and how to fix them. We can only imagine what other wild stories await us in other episodes of “Rate Your Pain! ER Nursing Stories.”
“Rate Your Pain! ER Nursing Stories” is charming, HIPAA compliant, empathetic, and hilariously unpredictable. Be sure to send this to your queasiest friend, a nurse you love, and anyone else who may be prone to odd accidents. Happy listening!