‘The Town with Matthew Belloni’ offers backstories on the best of Hollywood from Marvel to ‘The Bachelor’ to Netflix

Dive into the biggest stories about money and power in Hollywood with Matthew Belloni on the Ringer’s “The Town.” With this founding member of Puck, a media company reporting on the nexus of Hollywood, Wall Street, Washington, and Silicon Valley, hear the behind-the-scenes talk of the town on all things film, television, and everything in between. What’s the future of moviegoing? What’s Netflix‘s new big show? Are they really trying to stop the password sharing? Hear all of this and more answered on “The Town.”
New to the podcasting sphere, “The Town” began releasing episodes in March 2022. Episodes are being released multiple times a week and are intended to be easily digestible, not exceeding 30 minutes long.
“The Town” is taking us inside Hollywood, giving listeners an exclusive look into what people in showbusiness are actually talking about. Matthew and his expert guests are breaking down the hottest topics in entertainment, from the newest Marvel movie, to new business acquirements, to Netflix’s struggles.
This is certainly a topical podcast, focusing on breaking news in showbusiness. So far, Matthew has been joined by guests like Bloomberg’s Lucas Shaw to talk about the future of agents, managers, and other middlemen in Hollywood as a new internet age emerges, along with Disney turmoil and rising West Side Story star Rachel Zegler somehow not getting an invite to the Oscars. Where the movie in which she was the lead was nominated for best picture? Can you tell how confused we are?
He’s also been joined by the chief media analyst of Variety Intelligence Platform Andy Wallenstein to talk about Amazon’s purchase of MGM Studios and senior strategy analyst Julia Alexander to discuss all things Netflix. The two talk about Netflix’s recent (and repeated) announcement about curtailing password sharing and whether or not the streaming giant has the ability to create a film franchise like Marvel and DC.
They discuss specifically Red Notice and The Adam Project and the lasting impact of the two films (namely that there wasn’t much of a lasting impact after just two weeks). They ask whether the platform works for the films, or the films work for the platform? They talk about Squid Games and how while it did have the staying power, but can Netflix learn from it? It’s a really interesting look into what Netflix is doing right and what it’s maybe doing wrong.
If you’re interested in the why of the film industry, “The Town” is for you. Matthew Belloni and guests are offering unparalleled insight into power and money and homegrown creativity in Tinsel Town. Be sure to tune in to hear all of the latest news coming out of Hollywood.