Social media star Tyler Gaca transports listeners to magical worlds through their own dreams on ‘Ghosthoney’s Dream Machine’

TikTok’s Ghosthoney aka Tyler Gaca transports listeners to ethereal worlds in “Ghosthoney’s Dream Machine,” filled with goblins and ghosts, spending time cracking ancient mysteries and sharing soothingly comedic tales to wind down with at the end of the day. Have you ever wondered about socks missing their mates? Is there an abyss that missing items in your house seemingly fall into? What about recurring dreams?
These are the kinds of gentle topics featured in Ghosthoney’s stories on the podcast, accompanied by beautiful sound design, chill music, and Tyler’s relaxing voice. In the first episode, Ghosthoney found out about The Goblin of All Lost Things & Stuff, an evil version of himself who is slowly draining his energy through stolen items. Ghosthoney’s dwindling collection of everything from socks to a Tokyo guidebook, might be gone forever. And he contemplates taking a trip to Japan in time for cherry blossom season.
The second episode recounts listeners’ dream submissions, and Ghosthoney puts a spin on their interpretations. We hear about a recurring dream involving the beach, a boardwalk, an amusement park, and facing a scary tidal wave at the end of a pier. Another listener has recurring dreams of eating brunch with Benedict Cumberbatch and the dreamer orders eggs Benedict. What could that mean? Hmm… Another listener keeps dreaming of having a face made from pizza with olive eyes and a pineapple smile. Ghosthoney also talks to his friend, the Moon, in episodes.
This series is presented by Pod People, with new episodes posted weekly and each under 20 minutes in length. Stream the series in whichever order you’d prefer, but keep your eyes peeled for sequential episodes broken into multiple parts.
As a lifelong dream documentarian, Ghosthoney is interested in hearing your dreams, too. Listeners and dreamers are encouraged to submit any and all kinds of dreams to Ghosthoney via his social media accounts to be read and interpreted in a future episode. Be it fever dreams, happy dreams, short dreams, or downright depressing dreams, the Dream Machine can “handle them all.”
Ghosthoney has 3 million+ followers on TikTok and creates characters and videos reflecting his brand of “gentle chaos.” Check out new, weekly episodes of “Ghosthoney’s Dream Machine” wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.