11 mythology podcasts to take you beyond Percy Jackson
What we know today as mythology and folklore, in the ancient world, people created as sacred tales in an attempt to explain the human condition. Whether they were seen as religious deities or blood-thirsting monsters, mythology has provided us with an tremendous supply of stories. And there are now a wealth of podcasts retelling these folktales!
Knights and dragons, sphinxes and Vikings, ghosts and gods, you can know easily hear all about our ancestors’ tales in mythology podcasts. Whether you’re a fan of the legendary “Lore,” looking for even more of a folk fix, or if you’re only looking for the goriest of stories, or you’re just looking for a place to get started, then you’re in the right place.
Here are our favorite mythology podcasts for you to check out:

We’ll start this off with the pinnacle of mythology podcasts: the legendary “Lore.” Bi-weekly, host Aaron Mahnke graces our ears with history’s greatest stories. Every episode talks about the creatures, tragedy, and unusual events that built mythology and folklore. Every episode is meticulously researched and compellingly recanted; it’s no wonder “Lore” is one of the best podcasts to get your myth fix.

Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby!
This is a podcast devoted to the strange, and often disturbing, stories of the Greek and Roman gods. Well, their mythology as a whole. While we often look back upon the societal innovations of the Greeks and Roman, their mythology was pretty messed up. Host Liv Albert introduces us to the weirdest and wildest parts of our past belief systems in “Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby!” With two episodes a week, Tuesdays are for Albert’s regular episodes, while Friday’s are conversations with authors and scholars of these ancient tales.

Nordic Mythology Podcast
Dr. Mathias Nordvig, a Nordic Studies Professor at University Colorado Boulder, and Daniel Farrand, co-owner of Horns of Odin, join forces to talk all about Nordic mythology. “Nordic Mythology Podcast” covers various topics from the age of the Vikings and Norse mythology. They sit down with Nordic musicians, scholars, and more to talk about literally everything Norse.

What better mix than legends and booze? Listen to two self-proclaimed history geeks tell their fresh takes on myths, legends and folklore over a drink or two. They look at new and old folklore alike: from analyzing Disney film’s accuracy to Jamaican Witches and the secret tunnels running through Europe. Multitude’s “Spirits” has all of the legends and all of the liquor.

Mythical Monsters
There can be no great stories without a great monster. Parcast’s “Mythical Monsters” tells the tales of the creatures that made heroes the legends they are. Dragons, Cyclops, three-headed dogs, demons – you name it, “Mythical Monsters” has got it covered. And often, these gruesome monsters are based in a thick layer of truth. Learn all about the greatest monsters mythology ever produced.

Our Fake History
PodcastOne’s “Our Fake History” thinks that some of our history may be myths, and some of our myths may actually be history. They tell the stories of events that may or may not have happened, and people that may or may not have existed. From the War of 1812, to the Ark of the Covenant potentially being in Ethiopia, to the real Gilgamesh, find out the answers to the questions you never knew you had.

Myths Your Teacher Hated
If you’re looking for blood and guts and gore, then you’ve come to the right podcast. The most uncensored mythology podcast, “Myths Your Teacher Hated,” is true to its name. We all know the Greek and Roman gods were a little sick, so this podcast is extremely not-safe-for-work. Learn the extremely bloody, often obscene, original tellings of the greatest myths of the past.

Drunk Mythology
Krista and Christian regale us with mythological tales from around the world. With the help of some friends and little bit of wine, these two hosts are bringing us the legends that shaped society and religion. Listen to stories of the Legend of Hell house, Godfather Death, and Ishtar the sex goddess on “Drunk Mythology.”

The Folktale Project
Thrice a week, “The Folktale Project” is bringing you worldwide folk legends. Each week is dedicated to a different country’s mythology: Japanese legends of the tengus and the Fountain of Youth, to Brazilian fairytales of lambs, tigers and monkeys. Dan Scholz hosts “The Folktale Project.”

Spotify’s Parcast Network brings you an audio drama that is unlike any other podcasts on this list. “Mythology” is bringing the world’s favorite legends to life. Every episode presents an exciting story for the modern day audience. “Mythology” recounts the world how our ancestors saw it, providing a deeper look at the origins of the mythology we still speak of today.