‘The Minimalists Podcast’ is all about making more space for your freedom

“The Minimalists Podcast” think sometimes people go too simple with minimalism. It’s not just about Marie Kondo-ing a closet, or making sure you don’t end up on the next season of Hoarders. It’s way more complex than that, and “The Minimalists Podcast” is trying to help people get to contentment sooner than they did.
Per the suggestion of Podsauce’s mutual guest Lisa Lampanelli, “The Minimalists Podcast” is not just about a physical decluttering, or ridding your home of material possessions. It’s not about clearing your space of everything that does not spark joy. If people only focus on their stuff, that’s entirely missing the point. Hosts Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus want people to know that minimalists don’t focus on less, but making room for more.
More time, more peace, more experiences, more happiness, and more freedom. “The Minimalists Podcast” is focused on decluttering the mind and freeing space for everything that isn’t clutter. Both Joshua and Ryan grew up without much money. They thought that the discontentment in their childhood was due to poverty (which is definitely a hearty factor and a whole other discussion). So, they both hurtled headfirst into the corporate world, making six figures and living the so-called American Dream.
Then, in 2009, Joshua’s mother died and his marriage failed, and Ryan was laid off from his goldmine of a corporate job. They realized they were not at all happy or content with where their lives had brought them. The two discovered minimalism and began writing, authoring multiple books on minimalism and creating Netflix documentaries like Minimalism and Less Is Now. They started their podcast in 2016 and have not looked back.
Every week, they release what they call “maximal” episodes, typically 45 minutes long, and short minisodes on the topic of leading more fulfilling lives. They answer questions like why people cling to toxic jobs, why do we stay in unhappy relationships, and what is the root cause of clutter? They discuss the delicate balancing act between acceptance and self-improvement, the concept of clinging to things (the episode Lisa guest-hosted on), and “The Advice Epidemic.”
While there is plenty of content on disconnecting ourselves with material connections, it does not just revolve around the physical. They talk about releasing the self-doubt that can take up space in our minds, finding things even more compelling than the material, letting go of relationships and so much more.
“The Minimalists Podcast” is self-reflection to the maximum while teaching the ways of a better life with the minimum. With over 300 episodes, you’ll find a wealth of information to use in your own life.