Pick a rain date, set a bedtime, brag about your colleagues, and other daily life advice on ‘Before Breakfast’

Society & Culture May 24, 2022
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Listen to ‘Before Breakfast’

Improve your daily routine with bite-sized episodes of iHeartPodcasts’ “Before Breakfast.” In daily episodes, host Laura Vanderkam offers a time management strategy or answers listeners’ self-improvement questions.

Stream the series’ 1,000+ episodes in any order, with releases less than 5 minutes on average. Comb through the titles if you’re looking for advice on a particular topic. “The New Corner Office” episodes share workday advice like picking a work theme song to pump yourself up and get in the zone.

Other work advice includes rescheduling tools, holding yourself accountable with to-do lists, and asking for help when you need it. Laura shares advice on how to describe your career journey, why you should brag about your coworkers, and plan ahead for days filled with unlimited tasks and distractions. For comfort and function, there’s an episode on making your workspace more ergonomic. A recent episode covered how to curate your workspace and why you should pay attention to what you see outside.

For everyday life, there are episodes tackling productivity hacks, giving yourself more sleep, and shaping your morning routine to work well in the long-run. Check out super positive episodes on topics like getting in the habit of noting when things are going well. Laura has actionable advice on bringing more opportunities to your life and making your own luck.

There’s an episode on why you should give yourself quarterly check-ins and analyze your life every 90 days. Check out episodes on planning ahead and preventing information overload to maximize your productivity. Learn how to understand your weekly rhythms so you can find out what days and times allow for optimal performance.

For social tips, hear how to create more social time without jamming your calendar, and Laura shares ways to stay in touch with people from your past. If you’re feeling unmotivated when jumpstarting a new project, Laura has practical advice for you. In time for graduation, Laura released an episode on acknowledging endings, and in another episode, hear advice on embracing all temporary things.

If you’re working on organization, check out “the paradox of the junk drawer.” There’s an episode with a tip to waste less stuff and save more money.

Laura has penned books on productivity and time management including Juliet’s School of Possibilities, Off the Clock, I Know How She Does It, What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, and 168 Hours.

Tune in daily for new episodes of “Before Breakfast” wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.

Listen to ‘Before Breakfast’

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