A read-along round-up! 8 companion podcasts guiding you through classics and stellar reads during National Book Month
Break out these companion listens to read along with some classics or obscure works this National Book Month and beyond. From favorites like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson’s series to Frankenstein, this list has your reading podcast selections covered.
There are podcasts analyzing series like The Baby-sitters Club, Sweet Valley High, and A Wheel of Time with fresh perspectives. If you’re looking for modern takes on Jane Austen’s books, tune into “Pod and Prejudice.” Happy streaming and happy reading!

Multitude’s “Potterless” is hosted by Mike Schubert, a grown-up reading Harry Potter for the first time ever! He’s chatting with super-fans to unpack plot holes, share incorrect predictions, and embrace the characters. Each week, Mike and his guests cover 1 part of the Harry Potter-verse, reminding you of your childhood and “taking the rose-tinted glasses off.”

Obscure with Michael Ian Black
Each season, comedian Michael Ian Black hosts a book club and reads a different title that’s been sitting on his bookshelf forever. He’s joined by guests like Jen Kirkman, Mike Birbiglia, Michael Showalter, and even his teenage kids to share their opinions. Season 1 read Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure and showcases Michael’s accent breadth. In season 2, hear Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Season 3 is all about Wuthering Heights and contemplates if it’s actually a love story. This series is presented by Misfit Toys.

Sweet Valley Diaries
Join host Marissa Flaxbart’s obsession in “Sweet Valley Diaries,” all about Francine Pascal’s 1980s series, Sweet Valley High. On episodes, Marissa invites listeners to join her reads and chat about 80s nostalgia. It’s a companion series for book fans and pop culture lovers who want to hear fun episodes about culture. Marissa is exploring themes like honesty, sharing truths, friendship, and what to do if an evil triplet comes along. Or how to cope with a boyfriend-stealing cheerleader. Check out over 150 episodes, now streaming.

The Newest Olympian
On “The Newest Olympian” host Mike Schubert learns if he should have read Percy Jackson’s series earlier. With PJO fans, Mike is reading the books, nerding out with Greek mythology, exploring the plot, and guessing along the way. This series is great for first-time PJO readers, or fans who want to re-read with a digital book club. Tune in Mondays for new episodes.

The Baby-sitters Fight Club
“The Baby-sitters Fight Club’s” hosts, Brooke Suchomel and Kaykay Brady, dive into each book from The Baby-sitters Club series. Episodes examine author Ann M. Martin’s work, analyze each text, and the subtexts about being a girl in America from the 1980s and 1990s. They’ll also share how these ideas impact modern times.

Pod and Prejudice
If you’re looking for modern takes on Jane Austen’s work, check out “Pod and Prejudice.” Host Molly Burdick is joined by Becca to clue her in on the Austen’s worlds of satire, class struggles and romance. Episodes cover Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, 1995’s BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, and more in over 70 episodes featuring special guests.

I Hate Poetry
“I Hate Poetry” is a comedy podcast by Dylan J. Kershaw and Charlie Pidcock. The two friends are exploring poems and catering to listeners who despise them. Check out over 14 episodes, now streaming.

The Wheel Weaves: A Wheel of Time Podcast
Join Dani and Brett’s dive into The Wheel of Time on the spoiler-free “The Wheel Weaves: A Wheel of Time Podcast.” Recommended for first-time readers, episodes analyze chapters, characters, and cast predictions. Brett’s long-term super fandom style works well with Dani’s first-time read through the series. Tune in for over 230 episodes.